Why your authenticity is your brand's superpower.
When I was a kid I had this one friend that used to copy everything I did. At first it was endearing, she liked the things I liked, watched the shows I watched, we even shared the same favourite colour. After a while she started to grate on me. I remember talking to my mom about her and my mom telling me that ‘imitation was the best form of flattery’.
Well I didn't get it. I didn't get why she wanted to be me (I mean she probably didn’t but I’m a drama queen so that's the story I went with). I didn’t get why she didn't just find her own likes, her own TV shows. The reason we were friends in the first place was because she had the best laugh and told amazing dirty jokes. In imitating me she had lost her authenticity and in doing so had lost a fan. Now I know that friendships are fickle when you’re young but your target audience, that ideal client of yours is fickle too. It’s your authenticity that draws them in.
Stand out from the crowd:
There is so much noise out there in the digital world. You and your business need to be able to stand out from the crowd to get noticed. Now, I'm not talking about being controversial for the sake of it or copying a trend to get likes and comments. I’m talking about being yourself. Being open and honest about what you do, your why, your passions and what drives you. Honesty, integrity and authenticity can supercharge your marketing like nothing else. Your reputation will speak for itself, your ideal clients will tell their friends, and they will tell their friends. And suddenly you're glowing like you've had your Ready Brek and attracting clients like a super magnet.
Finding your tribe:
Being in business is all about connections and relationship building. When your messaging is real and true to you your tribe will find you. Those who resonate with what it is you have to say will want to hear more. You will start to build a community of your biggest fans. Remaining authentic makes that bond unbreakable.
Supercharge that intuition:
When you place authenticity at the top of your business values your intuition becomes your best friend. Decisions that you make in your business will always centre around what is best for you, your business and your target market.Your unshakable belief in what you do and who you do it for is the key to consistent and sustainable growth.
Become a money magnet:
Having a clear and authentic brand strategy is a money maker in itself. When your ideal client see’s you owning your truth and sees the drive and passion you have for what you do, they will root for you and want you to succeed. You can develop your business, introduce new services and increase your prices knowing that your biggest fans will still see the value of working with you. You will be worth every penny you charge, and all just for being you and amazing at what you do.
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